Ten top tips for decanters
Ten top tips to keep your decanter in tip top condition
- Ensure the key operating parameters (speed, solids density, feed rate) match the original design specifications.
- Monitor the machine daily. Check vibrations and bearing temperatures. Look for leaks and investigate any abnormal noise.
- On a weekly and monthly basis, check the casing for any solids build up (and remove if necessary).
- Periodically check all automatic monitoring systems and shut-off devices for correct operation.
- Every six months or 1000 hours, check – and adjust – gearbox oil level and belt tension.
- Always stick to the recommended lubrication intervals and the instructions for preventive maintenance.
- Use only the approved brands of grease and oil and make sure they are within the recommended shelf life.
- Keep service area and decanter surroundings clean. Always clean parts thoroughly before assembly. Tighten screws to the correct torque levels.
- Use only genuine OEM-supplied tools for service and maintenance and store the tools in a clean, dry location.
- Use only genuine spare parts for guaranteed performance, reliability and equipment life. Maintain a stock of key spare parts like grease, oil, intermediate and major service kits.
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