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Best in class in terms of hygienic design

Alfa Laval TJ20G Rotary Jet Head tank-cleaning devices provide exceptional cleanability, better end-product quality, greater overall output and up to 70% reduction in operating costs. They are designed for hygienic applications, such as food, dairy, personal care and beverages.

阿法拉伐 TJ20G 旋转喷嘴清洗装置 Alfa Laval TJ20G rotating nozzle cleaning device

High impact quality assured cleaning in smaller tanks

  • Avoid contamination with effective cleaning performance and superior self-cleaning features
  • Cost efficient and sustainable solution reduces cleaning costs by up to 70% (water and chemicals)
  • More available production time with up to 60% faster cleaning times
  • Easy to service and maintain – no special tools required
  • Control of CIP through validated cleaning

The TJ range provides automated 3D-indexed impact cleaning over a defined time period for processing, storage and transportation tanks and other vessels between 15 and 150m3. The award-winning design is suitable for cleaning brewing equipment as well as for food and dairy processes and is a cost effective means of achieving hygienically safe and quality assured tank cleaning.

Learn more

You can read more about the efficiency, practicality and technical details of the TJ20G Rotary Jet Head tank cleaning devices.

Download product leaflet
                           Download instruction manual

Alfa Laval Tank Cleaning TJ rotary jet heads

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Dnešní trh s nápoji je mnohem náročnější, než tomu bývalo v minulosti. Jak se vypořádáte s požadavkem na optimalizaci CIP čištění vaší nápojové výrobní linky?

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