
HVAC Consultant Portal

Where thermal professionals unite

Welcome to the HVAC Consultant Portal

For almost 90 years, Alfa Laval has been improving heat transfer technologies used in many different industries, processes, and applications. We’ve gathered a lot of expertise along the way, and we use it to help our customers improve their energy efficiency with reliable and sustainable heating and cooling solutions. All our heat exchangers are AHRI-certified, ensuring quality and performance. Whether you’re new to this field or an experienced professional, our HVAC Consultant Portal has a range of tools and resources to help you maximize the efficiency and sustainability of the heating or cooling systems you work on.

Contact us

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Looking for more heating and cooling insights? Contact us today!

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Alfa Laval PHE Select Tool

Discover the ideal plate heat exchanger for your requirements using PHE Select, our new selection software. Designed for user-friendly accessibility whenever you need it – find the best solution for your application quickly.

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Consultant tools / BIM files

Based on unique knowledge from decades of experience supplying thermal solutions, Alfa Laval has been able to create a number of resources that you can utilize to facilitate your day-to-day work. Click here to discover BIM files, 3D drawings and other resources to facilitate your day-to-day work.

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AHRI-performance-certified heat exchangers for confident thermal performance

Certification from the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) is the only global third-party verification of thermal performance, giving you independent assurance that your plate heat exchanger will perform in accordance with the manufacturer’s published ratings. Alfa Laval offers AHRI-certified gasketed plate heat exchangers, brazed plate heat exchangers and fusion-bonded plate heat exchangers.




District heating
As a core component in district heating systems, heat exchangers have been our focus at Alfa Laval from the start. Our extensive experience also allows us to offer unique application knowledge.


District cooling
Alfa Laval is a frontrunner in developing plate heat exchangers for tough district cooling conditions, offering global, cost-effective, and energy-efficient cooling solutions.


Waste heat recovery
Alfa Laval specializes in sustainable comfort heating by recovering waste heat and utilizing industrial/urban excess heat. We offer solutions across industries to repurpose waste heat productively, including low-temperature heat reuse via heat pumps.


Geothermal heating
Geothermal heating harnesses the earth's energy and reduces fossil fuel use. Alfa Laval efficiently integrates this renewable source into district/community heating networks with expertise and technology.

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Solar thermal heating
Solar heating and CSP with thermal storage ensure energy, fresh water, and heat supply. Alfa Laval provides advanced technologies crucial for solar power and water/heat provision.


Industrial heat pumps
Heat pumps convert low-temperature sources to high-value heat for household/process industry heating. Alfa Laval's plate heat exchangers are ideal for industrial heat pumps to facilitate carbon-free heating.


Energy efficient buildings
Planning building heating/cooling systems is complex. Alfa Laval provides a wide range of quality heat exchangers and vast global project experience.


Heat-efficient solutions for swimming pools, spas & saunas, and greenhouses
Alfa Laval offers compact, energy-saving plate heat exchangers for constant water temperature in pools and greenhouse heating using low-temperature waste.


Efficient air conditioning
For air conditioning, Alfa Laval focuses on energy efficiency and low GWP refrigerants, developing plate heat exchangers in collaboration with customers to meet new regulations.


Residential heat pumps
Annually, Alfa Laval provides hundreds of thousands of top-quality heat exchangers to the heat pump market, meeting the growing demand for heat pump-optimized exchangers, including their latest innovation.

Valuable information to save you time


Heating and cooling knowledge

Take advantage of Alfa Laval’s decades of experience in a wide range of thermal duties.

Download leading knowledge


Product overview

Browse our comprehensive portfolio of leading plate heat exchanger technologies.

Find your solution


HVAC and the Sustainable Cities

Alfa Laval has almost a century of experience in heat transfer and recovery. Let us be your partner in the transformation to a sustainable tomorrow.

Discover sustainable cities

Our products

For decades, Alfa Laval has been developing plate heat exchanger technology tailored to our customers’ applications. Today we offer the market’s most comprehensive portfolio of plate heat exchangers to cover the widest range of needs. With the experience we have gained along the way, we can match you with your optimal solution.


Pájené deskové výměníky tepla

  • Lehká pájená konstrukce s kompaktními rozměry
  • Vyšší tepelná účinnost než u srovnatelných trubkových výměníků
  • Flexibilní možnosti pro různé aplikace s různými typy médií/kapalin
  • Ideální pro přírodní chladiva a chladiva s nízkým potenciálem globálního oteplování

Další informace


Tavně spojované výměníky tepla AlfaNova

  • Konstrukce ze 100% nerezové oceli
  • Vysoká odolnost proti korozi působením agresivních médií
  • Zabraňují znečištění kovem při úpravě pitné vody a v dalších hygienických aplikacích
  • Vysoká tepelná účinnost a kompaktní rozměry

Další informace


Rozebíratelné deskové výměníky tepla

  • Flexibilní řešení, která lze přizpůsobit provozu a zajistit maximální tepelnou účinnost
  • Kompaktní provedení šetří prostor a snadno se servisuje a udržuje
  • Řešení, která omezují zanášení, namáhání a vznik koroze pro maximální dobu provozuschopnosti

Další informace


Polosvařované deskové výměníky tepla

  • Vysoce účinná a spolehlivá technologie pro aplikace, kde může docházet k únavě vlivem tlaku a teploty
  • Zaručená dlouhá životnost díky jedinečnému těsnicímu systému Alfa Laval RefTight™
  • Spolehlivé řešení, které zabraňuje vzájemné kontaminaci médií

Další informace

Online heat exchanger training

Sign up for a self-driven course to learn more about the different types of plate heat exchanger technology available today. To make sure you get the most out of Alfa Laval’s expertise, all courses are free of charge. Start them whenever you like and go at your own pace.

Online heat exchanger training