Unique Mixproof Horizontal Tank

The Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof Horizontal Tank Valve is a versatile, highly flexible double block-and-bleed valve for the safe and efficient management of fluids at intersection points in matrix piped systems. Based on the proven and versatile Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof Valve, the Unique HT Mixproof Valve enables the benefits of having two different products or fluids in the same valve without any risk of cross-contamination.

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Improves cleanliness of horizontal tank connections

  • Enhanced product safety, cleanability and operating efficiency
  • Spillage-free operation with leakage detection and leakage chamber cleaning
  • Easy maintenance and parts replacement
  • Low total cost of ownership
  • Capable of cleaning shadow areas in tank connections

To improve the cleanliness of the horizontal tank connections. It ensures that no area of the tank inlet or tank outlet is left uncleaned, it is specifically designed for horizontal mounting on the side of a tank or as a space-saving alternative at the bottom of a cone-formed tank. Its self-cleaning design provides state-of-the-art cleanability in the shadow area, where no Cleaning-in-Place pressure or flow from the tank side to clean the connection. The valve provides greater flexibility by filling and emptying a tank at the same time. The Alfa Laval Unique HT Mixproof Valve is designed for continuous flow management and process safety for horizontal tank inlet and outlet applications across the dairy, food, beverage and many other industries. 

State-of-the-art horizontal mixproof valve

Based on the well proven and exceptionally versatile principle of the Unique Mixproof valves, this horizontal mixproof tank valve features many of the same components, such as the actuator, yoke and seals, and therefore the same spare parts. This provides the benefits of easy serviceability and low total cost of ownership.

Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof Horizontal Tank Valve, can be fitted with any level of sensing and control. It is as standard supplied with seat lift, which enables handling of two different products at the same time, or safe handling of one product while seat-lift cleaning operations are being conducted in the other portion of the valve – all without any risk of cross-contamination. The double tangential design of the valve body ensures full drainability, especially when the valve is mounted at the bottom of a flat-bottomed tank.

Exceptional spillage-free operation

A state-of-the-art double-seat design provides long-lasting, spillage-free operation thus minimizing the risk of product contamination. The use of double lip seals provides added protection to ensure safe and hygienic operation.

Easy valve to maintain and clean

Unique mixproof valves feature a top-loaded design, making maintenance fast and easy. It also features no adjustable components, a maintenance-friendly actuator and built-in leakage detection on all seals. Unique mixproof valves meet most hygienic standards and can be supplied with the optional SpiralClean cleaning system.

You get the full benefit of using Unique mixproof valves by combining them with Alfa Laval ThinkTop and ThinkTop Basic valve sensing and control units.

Valve clusters - customized flow solutions 

We are specialists in providing pre-built valve clusters customized to meet specific, individual requirements.
Our expertise helps ensure you the most efficient flow management, using as few components as possible and dealing effectively with key issues that include thermal cycling, cleanability, drainability and flow control.
Alfa Laval valve clusters can be supplied pre-assembled and pre-tested as well as fully wired and with all the necessary pneumatic tubing, junction boxes and control panels pre-connected.
This means you can bring even complex installations online as quickly as possible, saving time and avoiding lost revenue associated with on-site troubleshooting and downtime. 

For more information, please refer to Documentation and to the Selection Guide.

For cost-effective alternatives to the Unique mixproof valve range, Alfa Laval also offers standard SMP mixproof valves. 

Výhody produktu

  • Nákladově efektivní
  • Bezpečný a hygienický provoz
  • Snadná údržba a čištění

Jak to funguje



SpiralClean system

To ensure the hygienic operating condition of its Unique mixproof valve range, Alfa Laval offers its SpiralClean system to clean the upper and lower balanced plugs and leakage chamber of the valves. Using less cleaning fluid, utilities and time, SpiralClean cleans more thoroughly and efficiently than conventional cleaning devices. All external CIP systems for Unique mixproof valves include the SpiralClean design as standard.

Another big benefit: SpiralClean enables the Unique mixproof valve to operate under aseptic-like conditions, creating a steam barrier to the atmosphere upon applying steam to the CIP pipes.

Unique Mixproof Horizontal Tank Valve

The Unique Mixproof HT valve provides a state of the art solution when there is no CIP pressure or flow from the tank side to clean the seat and plug. The valve is self-cleaning, thanks to two Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) nozzles. The first nozzle is designed specifically for plug cleaning. This double-acting nozzle projects cleaning solution through the tank connection, ensuring complete cleaning of the seat contact surfaces as well as the shadow area of the tank port.

The second is a rotating CIP nozzle incorporated into the unit for optimum cleaning of the full-bore leakage chamber. The design of the single valve body makes it suitable to weld directly on the tank or to connect it via a Tri-clamp.

The 4” and 6” models feature a 45-mm opening, which enables the passage of very large particles or efficient handling of high viscosity fluids.


    • 3-A version available upon request
    • Product wetted seals HNBR, NBR or FPM
    • Male parts or clamp liners in accordance with required standard
    • Control and indication: ThinkTop or ThinkTop Basic
    • Side indication for detection of upper seat lift

Videa pro 360° servis a údržbu

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Dvousedlové ventily Alfa Laval Unique – výměna těsnění smáčených produktem

Dvousedlové ventily Alfa Laval Unique – výměna radiálního těsnění

Save water with ThinkTop

Do something good for the environment and save up to 95% in CIP liquid when cleaning your valves. Innovations like ThinkTop sensing and control units make more efficient use of resources while safeguarding process hygiene. Add ThinkTop to your valves to optimize your processes.

ThinkTop 640x360

Unique Mixproof horizontal valve (Inlet) - designed for horizontal mounting on the side of a tank

Unique Mixproof horizontal valve (Outlet) - designed for horizontal mounting on the side of a tank

Ventilový blok – příklad ventilového bloku s pěti nádržemi

single seat valves 640x360

Deset nejlepších tipů – ventily

Zde naleznete několik tipů a servisních videí, které ukazují, jak udržovat hygienické ventily ve špičkovém stavu

Food Logic

Hygienická zařízení Alfa Laval kombinují vysoký výkon a šetrnou manipulaci tak, aby byly zachovány citlivé složky produktů. Držíme krok s trendy v potravinářství a soustředíme se na čtyři klíčové úkoly: dodávat potravinářské výrobky spotřebitelům za konkurenceschopnou cenu, vytěžit co nejvíce z použitých surovin, snižovat odpad a emise a dodávat potravinářské výrobky splňující nejvyšší nároky na bezpečnost a hygienu.

food logic 640x360

Produktový katalog

Produktový katalog „Close at hand“ hygienických zařízení Alfa Laval mimo jiné obsahuje prospekty, výkonnostní křivky, odkazy na animace, brožury a ceníky pro účely objednání.

Close at hand 2019 - Cover image 640x360

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